The Funeral of Thomas J. Wernoch 
Friday, June 7, 2024 | 10:30 AM
Click here  to view the service.

The Funeral of Paul L. Peachey

February 20, 2023 | 4:30 PM
Click here to view the service

Welcome to Saint James Episcopal Church!

Featured Events at Saint James

Click here for Evening
Compline at 9 PM

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for the 10:30 AM Mass

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First Fridays at 9 PM

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to submit a name request

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Phishing Schemes

It would appear that a number of parishioners of Saint James, as well as the diocese and bishop have had phishing spam sent to and from their contacts by text and email. Please delete and disregard any that relate to solicitation or urgent calls for help or secrecy as they are standard online deception attacks and practices.

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view the service

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to view via livestream

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Easter Flowers

As our celebration of Easter approaches, we invite you to honor or memorialize a loved one by donating Easter flowers for our sanctuary.

Click here to visit our Easter flower giving form. In the memo box, key in the name of the person you would like to honor or memorialize. If you are ordering multiple flowers and run out of space in the memo box, simply make your donation, type “list to Kristen” in the memo box and click here to email Kristen Vieldhouse, our office administrator, the list of names.

Submission deadline: Monday, March 25th.

Upcoming Events at Saint James


Click here for a complete listing of all our
events and worship services on our events calendar.

Holy Week and Easter at Saint James

Observing the Triduum - Maundy Thursday through Easter

Aliya Cycon, oud

Ponder These Things

A multi-sensory, contemplative retreat
in preparation for Christmas

Available in-person and online

Join Fr. David Peck for an afternoon to explore what makes for hope in our lives. Learn to create inner stillness despite a reactive world; experience inner silence despite a noisy city; and through ancient music and yoga find your mind and body refreshed.

Friday, December 17
9 PM ~ Compline: Ancient Music for the Modern Soul

Saturday, December 18
2 – 4:30 ~ PM Ponder these things: an Advent retreat with meditation, yoga and readings

5 – 7:00 ~ PM Bridge Dinner and stories from refugees (in-person only)
7:30 PM ~ Aliya Cycon in concert

Sunday, December 19
4 PM ~ Lessons and Carols with the Saint James choir and Aliya Cycon

Click here for more information

Where diverse people from different faith traditions gather in a spirit of humility and openness as we learn to be more centered, conscious and compassionate in our world. Click here to learn more about the Urban Well.

TheoCon Odyssey Youth Programs for children,
youth and families

...using elements of popular culture like movies, comic books, gaming, music and art to help our youth realize and apply their own faith and spirituality through the allegories offered
in these forms

Click here for more information.

Early World Music at Saint James

2022 - 2023 Season

Sunday, Sept. 25, 4 PM
ALBA Consort

Click here for more info

Friday, Nov. 18, 7:30 PM
Iestyn Davies, countertenor & Thomas Dunford, lute

Click here for more information

Sunday, March 19, 4:00 PM
Nota Bene Viol Consort

Click here for more information

Saturday, May 6, 7:30 PM
The Rahim AlHaj Trio

Click here for more information

Thinking about visiting Saint James?

Check out our visitor's page. It has lots of information from where to park, to what to wear and the location of our nursery, elevator and restrooms. Click here to download the campus map to help you get your bearings!

Saint James Ministries
at Carter and MacRae Elementary School

Providing help to students and their families.

Ollie's closet door
Ollie's Closet

Providing school supplies for students and teachers

Academic Mentoring

Mentoring students and providing help with with schoolwork

Power Packs

Packing food for the weekend and providing easy recipes


Christmas Memorial Flowers

Remember a loved one and help us prepare our sanctuary for Christmas

If you would like to memorialize or honor a loved one with Christmas flowers in the sanctuary, you can do so in Realm. The name of your loved one will be listed in the Christmas Eve bulletin.

The suggested donation is $25/flower. Click here to get started. In the memo box, type the name of the person you are honoring. If you are ordering multiple flowers and run out of space in the memo box, simply make your donation, type “list to Kristen” in the memo box and email Kristen Vieldhouse the list of names. Deadline: Friday, December 8th.

Ollie's closet door
Ollie's Closet

Providing school supplies for students and teachers

Academic Mentoring

Mentoring students and providing help with with schoolwork

Power Packs

Packing food for the weekend and providing easy recipes